Thursday, January 29, 2009

What is top of mind right now for everyone?

For most of us it is “Will I make it through the recession?”

Those of us with enough experience (some would say “wisdom gained with age”) have the fortune to have lived through this a number of times. One of my favourites was in 1993 when my General Manager told me that he would know by breakfast if our whole division was to be closed.

When he met me the next morning he informed me that we were both out of a job!
Then “The Internet” took off and both of us worked our way into senior roles in the IT&T industry.

There is always a way through and most of the time it will lead to something better. If you can't see the way through then ask someone for help!

Go to to find out more.


  1. Congratulations Paul on a concise website ... no clutter, simply put and to the point!
    I also like your optimistic viewpoint regarding the current economic gloom we are all being forced to suffer. Yes it's true, we will get through it in one way, shape or form, and asking for help is nothing to be ashamed of ... not enough of us can do it without affecting our dignity or self esteem. It helps to remember that where we find ourselves right at this moment is exactly where we are meant to be. Keep up the good work.

  2. I sense that Paul and I are in that "Silver Fox" stage of our lives and business careers. With all the "noise" of uncertainty that we have both heard before, it's nice to see Paul sharing the "obvious" that can become hidden in a tough market's noise.
    The shinning beacon here that "becomes obvious" is that survival is not merely about reducing headcount, but perhaps more importantly,reducing complexity,waste and dare I say it,exposure to risk. What is the biggest risk during all this slash and burn? - not being able able to service and secure your current client's needs...and the needs are still real! Don't let them go elsewhere to service those needs by focusing on the the noise!
